Group exhibition: - Piers Jackson - (Español) Kaoru Kakimoto - Takeshi Motomiya - Rita Moreno Mir - - Jose Ángel Sintes
The Secret FireThe Secret Fire
- 2009
- pigment dyed card, paper board, palladium leafpaperboard, metal leaf
- 24.80x28.35 inch.
- 2009
- 24.80x28.35 inch.
- 2009
- 24.80x28.35 inch.
- 2009
- 24.80x28.35 inch.
- 2009
- 24.80x28.35 inch.
- 2009
- 24.80x28.35 inch.
(Español) The Ouroboros (1-3)
- 2017
- oak, linen
- 39.37x39.37 inch.
- 2013
- (Español) óleo sobre lienzo
- 45.67x35.04 inch.
The Morning after
- 2013
- (Español) óleo sobre tela
- 31.50x45.67 inch.
- 2009
- 24.80x28.35 inch.